Quick Glance
by EyeTech Digital Systems, Inc.
How does Quick Glance work?
- Camera mounted on computer monitor is focused on user's eye.
- Quick Glance determines where user is looking--the gaze point Cursur is placed at the gaze point.
- "Mouse clicks" are done with a slow eye blink, an eye dwell, or a hardware switch.
Who can benefit?
- Anyone who cannot use a hand operated mouse.
- Anyone desiring a hands-free computer interface.
- A unique assistive technologies device.
- An alternative to the PC mouse.
- Moves the cursor according to the user's eye movements.
- Combined with on screen keyboard, user has access to all Windows 95 or 98 features.
What are Quick Glance's PC system requirements?
- Pentium 133 or faster.
- PCI slot.
- Windows 95 or 98.
- 16MB RAM.
- 14 to 21 inch monitor.
LC Technologies, Inc.
The Eyegaze System makes it possible for people with physical disabilities to operate a computer with their eyes. By looking at control keys displayed on a computer monitor, a person can synthesize speech, control his environment (lights, appliances, etc.), type, operate a telephone, run computer software, and access the internet.
Eyegaze System Software Programs
- Main Menu
- Typewriter
- Games
- Read Text
- Teach
- Configuration
Eyegaze System Hardware
- Computer (IBM/pc compatible) & color monitor
- Hard disk drive and 3.5" floppy disk drive
- Windows NT software
- Video frame grabber board
- Adjustable monitor tray with camera bracket
- High-speed infrared sensitive camera and lens
- Eye-image monitor
- Surge protector, cables and connectors