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  NexTalk-VMTM software for voice modems (for Windows)
by NXi Communications, Inc.
A personal communications software that allows you to use compatible voice modems (tested and approved for use with our software) to make and receive TTY calls. Discover the many advantages of computer-based TTY calls with NexTalk-VM and a high speed voice modem. System must have the following: minimum 16 MB of RAM, minimum 10 MB of hard disk space for the application, Microsoft Windows 95/98 (recommended), ME/NT/2000 are supported IF the modem driver is compatible with that version of Windows. Compatible voice modem. Analog phone line.

The iCommunicator 3.0
by Interactive Solutions, Inc.
An alternative rather than a replacement for sign language interpreters. The iCommunicator is not intended to replace sign language interpreters, but to serve as an alternative access technology for some persons who communicate iCommunicator, an alternative access technology for some persons who communicate in sign language in sign language. The iCommunicator is a fully integrated system that consists of a high-end laptop computer, iCommunicator software, a wireless microphone system and peripherals, and underlying software programs. The iCommunicator also may be coupled with peripheral assistive hearing devices such as personal FM systems, hearing aids, and cochlear implant speech processors. Its portability allows the system to provide an interactive solution to communication accessibility challenges in multiple environments - educational, workplace, and public venues.

Personal Communicator
by Communication Technology Lab, Michigan State University
A Tool for Learning user friendly program that brings ASL communication capabilities to the desktop and notebook computer and Communicating in American Sign Language. The Personal Communicator creates a common ground for communicating in American Sign Language (ASL) and English. Using hypermedia technology, the Personal Communicator is a user friendly program that brings ASL communication capabilities to the desktop and notebook computer. With more than 2500 digital video signs and 4500 English words (plus variations on these words) the Personal Communicator can be a useful tool in communication, education, and other environments.

American Sign Language Online
by Multimedia 2000
Designed to extend your CD-ROM experience by providing access to additional resources related to their American Sign Language Dictionary and their new American Sign Language for Kids CD-ROM.

Interactive Sign Language 101 Basic Signs
by Palatine Inc.
Palatine is a developer of quality American Sign Language software tutorials. Our goal is to promote the use of American Sign Language and enhance communication with the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing.

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