Acai Fruit – The Most Powerful Antioxidant in the World

Many people are just starting to learn about the amazing health benefits of antioxidants. Antioxidants prevent the oxidation that free radicals cause on our body’s cells. The damage that is caused by free radicals is what leads to aging and other diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

Getting enough antioxidants each day can lead to a healthier, more enjoyable, and long lasting life. If you are going to attempt eat foods that have high levels of antioxidants you should get the most bang for your buck, right? So, what is the most power antioxidant in the world?

The Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) test was developed by Dr. Guohua Cao to test the total antioxidant capabilities of fruits, vegetables, and other substances. To put things into perspective a Tufts University study showed that you need a minimum of 2500 to 3000 ORAC to start seeing the health benefits of antioxidants. On average people consume between 800 and 1000 ORAC daily, which is less than half the required daily value.

The ORAC has tested nearly every fruit and vegetable known to man. Some of the highest scoring foods include red wine, pomegranates, and blueberries. However, the acai fruit stands out as the leader of the pack. Just 1 ounce of acai pulp contains 3800 ORAC. Acai has 30 times the antioxidant power of red wine, which experts have suggested drinking a glass a day just for its antioxidant value.

Not only is acai the most powerful antioxidant in the world, but it provides many other health benefits that other foods just can not deliver. Drinking acai berry juice can give you a boost of energy that is similar to drinking a glass of coffee or a can of Redbull, without the nasty side effects of caffeine or sugar.

The acai berry also contains high level of Omega 3, 6, and 9. Omega fatty acids are known to help fight cardiovascular disease, improve mood, and strengthen general brain function.

To learn about how you can get your hands on this powerful antioxidant fruit please check out our Amazon Thunder Acai Review.

How to Make a Shake with Acai

Acai is the perfect addition to any type of shake. Whether it is a morning shake or a pre/post workout shake, the addition of acai berry juice will take your results to the next level.

It will give you a great boost of energy, help control your appetite, and is packed full of vitamins, amino acids, and omega fatty acids. Acai also has the highest antioxidant capacity of any fruit, so adding it to your shake will strengthen your immune system, make you look and feel younger, and help fight off cancer cells.

Making a shake with acai is very simple. Here are the ingredients I use for my daily acai smoothie:

Acai Antioxidant Explosion Smoothie:

  • 1 oz Amazon Thunder Acai Pulp
  • 1 Handful Goji Berries (can be replaced with any other berry if you don’t have goji)
  • ½ Cup Frozen Blueberries
  • 1 Banana
  • ½ Cup Orange Juice
  • 1 Single Serving Yogurt Cup (can be ½ cup of milk or water if you like your smoothie less thick)

Add the orange juice, goji berries, and yogurt into the blender. Mix on the liquefy setting until it is well blended. Add in the rest of the ingredients and continue on the liquefy setting until you have a nice, thick, and smooth blend. The last step is to enjoy this healthy and delicious acai smoothie!

If you are using this for a pre/post work out shake you should add in one scoop of your favorite flavored whey protein.

Do Acai Berries Retain Their Health Benefits in Liquid Form?

If you have been doing research on acai berries you might already know that it is very difficult to transport fresh berries from the Amazon to the rest of the world. Since you can not go to the grocery store and find some acai berries in the produce section, it means that acai must be packaged differently so we can all experience the benefits of acai. One of the main ways it is packaged is in acai berry juice or Acai pulp. The question is; “Do acai berries retain their health benefits in liquid form?”

Some companies produce low quality acai products by using incorrect procedures when producing and packaging their products. However, if acai pulp is processed and packaged correctly it will retain 100% of its nutritional benefits. The highest quality acai products are processed within 24 hours of being picked, since it is such a delicate and highly perishable fruit.

There are many acai health benefits in its liquid form, instead of in a powder or pill. The most important is that drinking anything as a liquid allows for a more natural absorption of nutrients than any other method. Our bodies are designed to get the nutrition we need from the food and drink we consume, so it only makes sense that it would be a more effective method than taking any form of supplement.

One important benefit of liquid acai is its taste. If you take it in pill or powder form you are missing out on one of the best tasting fruit juices on earth. People who drink acai juice look forward to starting their day out with a glass of acai or an acai smoothie, and are less likely to forget to take their daily dose.

If you are looking for the highest quality acai juice I recommend you check out’s Acai.

Was the Acai Berry Banned?

There have been many rumors swirling around the health food community that the United States government is set to ban the Acai berry on behalf of the big pharmaceutical companies. This has come as a shock to the tens of thousands of people who are already using Acai for its numerous health benefits.

I first heard about this potential ban when I received a frantic email from a friend of mine who has been drinking Acai berry juice for a few months on my recommendation. Here is the email.

“I was surfing the net today and I saw a news story saying they are going to BAN ACAI! This can’t be for real can it? I don’t know what I will do without my daily fix of Acai. Help me out bro I need to know if this is for real or not. – Chris”

So I decided to do a little research myself and this is what I found:

Acai Berry Banned?

My first impression was that this was an advertisement, but it referenced the AP (Associated Press), which is a very reliable news source. I did a search at as well as (Food and Drug Administration) and they both came up blank for any mention of Acai berry being banned.

This just confirmed that my gut suspicion was correct; this was just a marketing ploy to scare people into buying their product. While Acai is truly an amazing fruit, there are those who might give it a bad name by pushing their low quality products with high pressure sales tactics. The ad above is a perfect example of one of these sales tactics called “scarcity”.

They wanted you to believe that Acai was banned because it was too powerful, and you only had one week to get your hands on it. Anyone who wanted to use Acai would then be tempted to stock up and buy massive quantities from them before the “ban” was passed.

It makes me very angry when people’s first experience with Acai is being marketed to by these scam artists selling low quality Acai pills. Acai is a great fruit with tons of amazing benefits, but these scammers hype it up so much that they make it sound like Acai is a fruit personally sent down from Jesus to cures everything that ails you.

Personally, I think everyone should be drinking Acai, but I prefer to educate them on all its benefits and point them towards high quality pure Acai products and let them make their own decision on whether or not Acai is right for them. I believe Acai is so great that anyone who learns all the facts about it will want to purchase it, even without the use of any high pressure sales tactics.

So, if you are interested in trying out Acai here are some resources that will help you make the right decision for you.

Amazon Thunder Acai Review

Benefits of Acai

Where To Buy Acai

Acai Berry Reviews

It is no surprise that Acai has experienced a huge wave of popularity over the last few months. Ever since Acai products were on Oprah (Oprah did not endorse a specific product), everyone is trying to get their hands on this amazing fruit. Riding on this wave of popularity many companies have developed Acai products. Most of these products are excellent, but there are a few products out there produced by companies just trying to make a quick buck.

The goal of this site is to make as many people as possible aware of the amazing benefits you can receive from Acai, while helping them find the highest quality Acai products. The following links are to our honest reviews of every Acai product we have tried. Before you make a decision on which product to buy browse our reviews so you have all the info needed to make a wise choice.

Acai Berry Reviews:

Amazon Thunder Acai Review

Sambazon Acai Review

Amazon Thunder Acai vs Sambazon Acai

Perfect Acai Review

Zola Acai Review

Acai Pure Review

Extreme Acai Berry: Acai Berry Power 500 Review

Acai Burn Review

Acai Berry Detox Review

We will be constantly adding acai berry reviews as we try new acai products.