Where to Buy Acai Berry

Supermarkets and Health Food Stores: Unless you live near the Amazon it’s unlikely you are going to be able to buy Acai berries directly. The berry does not hold up well to transport, so it is most often sold as Acai pulp, Acai juice, or Acai berry supplements.  Most Whole Foods stores carry Genesis brand […]

Perfect Acai Review

Perfect Acai refers more to the preparation of the acai berry which brings you the wholesome goodness found in the acai berry without contaminants. The acai berry which grows in the Amazon rain forest is a fruit of the acai palm tree. The fruit is dark purple in color and is 90% seed. The 10% […]

Zola Acai Review

Zola Acai is one of the healthiest drinks that you can buy you can buy it as a smoothie or juice, it is made with organic natural ingredients and is known to give you plenty of energy and keep you going throughout the day. Zola Acai is made with pure Guarani and made with berry […]

Acai Pure Review

Acai Pure Review (Scam – 0 out of 5 stars) It seems like a trend for all of the acai weight loss products on the market are using free trial scams with misleading information to make more money. Acai Pure pushes their free trial however the trial is not entirely free.  If you do not […]

Extreme Acai Berry: Acai Berry Power 500 Review

Extreme Acai Berry: Acai Berry Power 500 Review (Scam – 0 out of 5 stars) An acai company to watch out for is Extreme Acai Berry: Acai Berry Power 500.  This is another company using dishonest marketing strategies and misleading information to sell their product. They push a “free trial” package where they state you […]

Purchase Acai Berry

Acai berry is a very popular fruit right now and for good reason.  It is one of the most nutritious foods in the world.  It is full of vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, and antioxidants. There are many companies that sell acai but some acai berry products are full of additives and are in fact […]

Acai Burn Review

Acai Burn Review (Scam – 0 out of 5 stars) Acai burn is another company making outlandish claims about their products.  They suggest that it is Hollywood celebrities favorite diet.  They also make claims that you will shed pounds and burn fat with their supplement. Like many other scam supplement companies, they try to hide […]

Acai Berry Detox Review

Acai Berry Detox Review (Scam – 0 out of 5 stars) Acai Berry Detox is a dietary supplement that claims to increase your metabolism, give you more energy, flush toxins out of the body, and help you low lose weight. First lets look at the positives of acai before we read about all the misleading […]

Acai Berry Products

Many people who have heard about all the wonderful benefits of the acai berry fruit want to know how to get their hands on this high quality supplement. The truth is, not all acai berry products are created equally. For someone who is inexperienced at buying this type of product it can be very easy […]

Acai Berry Drink

The acai berry drink is a delicious way to enjoy all the many benefits that this small purple berry has to offer. You have probably heard that acai berry juice can give you a burst of energy (stronger than coffee and Redbull), promotes health skin and hair (it makes you look younger), and may help […]