Is Acai Berry Real?

More and more people are getting turned on to acai berry to help regulate their colon. The facts are that some people who had highly restricted colons and were feeling sick and despondent, were almost miraculously relieved by taking acai berry in the first couple of days. The acai berry works quickly to regulate the […]

How To Buy Acai Berry

Acai berry is big in the news right now for its many benefits in weight loss, energy, healthier skin and a healthier heart just to name a few. Unfortunately for the consumer this also makes it much more of a challenge to find the right product. If you want to know how to buy acai […]

How Do You Take Acai Berry

The popular new super fruit, acai berry, is available to be taken in a number of various forms. Whether you prefer to take the acai berry as a supplement, a powder form, a juice, or in its natural state, acai berry is filled with a large number of nutrients that can assist in losing weight, […]

Is Acai Berry For Men?

What is Acai Berry? The acai berry has been a major component in the diet of certain South American tribes. It has recently come to North America as the newest supplement primarily for weight loss. It had been used by South American natives as a medicine and food. The properties of the acai berry had […]

When To Drink Acai Berry

Acai berry so good for many things health wise. The majority of the wonderful claims made by acai berry vendors, of the things that this berry can give your body, are supported completely with scientific study, testing and experimentation. There is however, one claim that many acai manufacturers make sometimes that is unfounded. One other […]

Why Take Acai

Acai berries and acai berry juice products are being marketed as a source of super health food. Acai is being put forward as a top source for battling the effects of aging and for helping one lose weight. Some manufacturers are using acai berries in cosmetic and beauty products. What is acai or acai berries? […]

Acai Berry Boom

Innovation makes life interesting and worth loving. Everyone experiences change. Change is a phenomenon of life that never ceases. We see trends revolutionize, cultures evolve and discoveries take place. The continuous change process keeps on improving our life style and provides more comforts to us. Just like all sectors of life, health industry also witnesses […]

Acai Berry Drink

The acai berry drink is a delicious way to enjoy all the many benefits that this small purple berry has to offer. You have probably heard that acai berry juice can give you a burst of energy (stronger than coffee and Redbull), promotes health skin and hair (it makes you look younger), and may help […]

Can You Buy Acai Berry In The Grocery Store?

I get a lot of people asking me where to buy acai berry, and many people also want to know if they can buy acai in grocery stores. The simple answer is yes, you can buy acai juices in some grocery stores. The long answer is that while there are some grocery store acai products […]

How to Make a Shake with Acai

Acai is the perfect addition to any type of shake. Whether it is a morning shake or a pre/post workout shake, the addition of acai berry juice will take your results to the next level. It will give you a great boost of energy, help control your appetite, and is packed full of vitamins, amino […]