Why Acai Berry Works

The acai berry, native to Central and South America, is considered a super food. The berry originates from the acai palm tree in the Amazon rain forest. It is an inch long, reddish purple fruit that is related to the cranberry, blueberry, strawberry and other dark fruits. Within the Central and South American culture, the […]

Research Shows Acai Lowers Cholesterol

A recent study has been conducted in OURO PRETO, Brazil that shows acai lowers cholesterol of rats with high fat diets.  Published in the Nutrition journal (December, 17 2009) researchers found that acai contributed to lowering cholesterol and improving the antioxidant count in rats. Female Fischer rats were separated in 4 groups: 2 groups ate […]

What Does Acai Fruit Look Like

Acai fruit has become a highly popular fruit, mainly because of the many different ways in which it can benefit the body. Although this fruit has become very popular there are a number of things that people still don’t know about the acai fruit. Many people may have tasted the acai berry but may not […]

What Is Acai Pulp?

A small purple berry that grows on the Acai Palm Tree in the rainforests of Central and South America has taken the nutritional world by storm within the past few years. But exactly what is the acai berry (pronounced ah-sigh-EE) and what is acai pulp? The acai berry is related to other fruits well known […]

Benefits of Acai Pulp

The acai berry is one of the more unpopular and less heard of berries in the world. It is not as well recognized like the blueberry and cranberry, which are in the same family of berry fruit. The acai berry is native to Central and South America and it comes from a tree known as […]

Do Acai Berries Retain Their Health Benefits in Liquid Form?

If you have been doing research on acai berries you might already know that it is very difficult to transport fresh berries from the Amazon to the rest of the world. Since you can not go to the grocery store and find some acai berries in the produce section, it means that acai must be […]

Amazon Thunder Acai vs. Sambazon Acai

If you don’t live in the Amazon then chances are you won’t have access to fresh Acai berries. That means if you want to reap all the benefits of Acai you will have to purchase an Acai product (juice, powder, or pills). Ever since I was introduced to Acai juice it has been my mission […]

Acai Pulp

Acai pulp is the fleshy inside of Acai berries that is not taken up by the seed. The seed accounts for 80% of the total volume of the 1 inch berry. This means that there is only a small fraction of the berry that is actually accounted for as Acai berry pulp. While the entire […]

Acai Palm

The Acai palm tree consists of seven species of palm that make their home in Central and South America. The plant is fast growing. Under the right conditions a seed only takes a few months to grow into a seedling. It is also an abundantly producing tree, producing two crops of around 900 berries per […]