Benefits of Acai

Acai, pronounced ah-sigh-ee, is a superfood from the Amazon that your diet shouldn’t be without. Not only does it taste great, but the health benefits of acai are off the charts.

Acai berry benefits Include:

In addition to having potassium, fiber, calcium, phosphorus and proteins you need to keep your body going, Acai also contains Vitamins C, E, B1, B2, B3 and fatty acids Omega-9 and Omega-6 to help improve your cholesterol. It is called a superfood because you could get almost all your day’s nutritional needs from this one fruit. Not only that, but Acai research has shown the fruit to have the most antioxidants of any fruits or vegetables, protecting you from damaging free radicals roaming the atmosphere.

The benefits of Acai are enormous. The antioxidant qualities mean that it fights cancer, slows down aging, and helps with cardiac functioning and blood circulation. This is helpful for those suffering from any kind of inflammation or arthritis.

The fatty acids not only help with removal of cholesterol, but also aid in absorption of Vitamins A, C, E, and K, some of which are in Acai itself. There is also a large amount of fiber found in Acai, which can help in digestion, and can be especially helpful to seniors who tend to have a lot of digestion problems.

For those into fitness and weight loss, there are acai benefits that contain special qualities for you. It supports weight loss and helps to improve your overall strength. If you get hurt, the berry helps reduce injuries and speeds up your recovery time. Stabilization of blood sugar levels helps you maintain a healthy appetite as well as manage diabetes.

The Acai Fruit has been called “nature’s perfect energy fruit”. Even if you don’t care about any of the Acai’s health benefits, the energy boost Acai juice provides is more intense and longer lasting than coffee.

Anyone can benefit from Acai. Instead of taking several different supplements and vitamins every day, this could be the one thing you need to help you achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle (be sure to consult your doctor before you change supplements).

Since the Acai fruit does not hold up well in transport, it is usually found in juice or supplement form. Since it tastes so great I prefer to get my daily dose of Acai in juice form.

I get my Acai juice from vendors who sell purely organic acai. Companies that produce only the highest quality 100% organic Acai products. Many suppliers use inferior methods of preserving Acai’s nutritional benefits, often loosing most of its nutritional value.

Click Here To Start Receiving All The Benefits of Acai Today!

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