How to Pronounce Acai

The most common question I get about this fruit is “How to pronounce Acai?” It’s actually quite simple, and fun, to say once you learn the correct pronunciation. The PROPER pronunciation for Acai is “Ah-Sigh-EE” HOWEVER, many people (english speaking natives) find this difficult. So , a compromise alternative is: “Ah-Sa-EE” Not only is Acai […]

Can Kids Take Acai

Acai have been known to help many people with a variety of issues. It has also hit the news recently as a power fruit and something everyone can take, but is it safe for children?  Can kids take acai? There are no reported side effects of  acai berry. Acai is full of antioxidants and has […]

Benefits of Acai

Acai, pronounced ah-sigh-ee, is a superfood from the Amazon that your diet shouldn’t be without. Not only does it taste great, but the health benefits of acai are off the charts. Acai berry benefits Include: In addition to having potassium, fiber, calcium, phosphorus and proteins you need to keep your body going, Acai also contains […]