Acai Recipes

The acai berry is a wonderful superfood that can be added easily into your daily routine if you need a healthy burst of energy. You will not even realize you are eating such a healthy food, because the taste of the berry is so delicious. Here are a few of my favorite acai recipes for you to try yourself.

Acai Bowl Recipe

The acai bowl is incredibly popular in Brazil. For many of this country’s people it is a staple in their daily diet. It has also become very big in the professional surfing community, because the American pros saw how much it helped the Brazilian surfers in competitions. This traditional bowl is very easy to recreate in your own home.

1-2oz Amazon Thunder Acai Pulp Puree
1-2 scoops Amazon Thunder Acai Powder
6 whole frozen strawberries
1 small handful of assorted berries (blueberries, raspberries, etc)
1 banana (sliced)
1c plain of flavored yogurt
1/2c organic granola

Place all of the ingredients except for half of the sliced banana and the granola into a blender. Blend the ingredients until the mixture has a smooth texture. Pour the contents into a bowl and top with the remaining banana and the granola. This is a quick and easy breakfast or snack that will give you enough healthy energy to get through the day.

Acai Smoothie Recipes

Many fitness and health conscious people enjoy a smoothie on a daily basis. Whether it is for a quick breakfast or to refuel the system after a tough workout, a smoothie is a great way to get a healthy meal fast. Adding a little bit of acai berry into your favorite smoothie is the perfect way to improve its taste and nutritional content. If you do not already have a favorite recipe here is a few of mine which I’d be happy to let you use!

Acai Berry Bowl Smoothie

This smoothie uses the exact same ingredients as the acai bowl, you just need to add a liquid base. You can use any type of liquid and some good candidates include water, milk, orange juice, and apple juice. This time all the ingredients go directly into the blender, and you end up with an acai bowl on the go.

“Get Pumped” Muscle Building Acai Smoothie

Weight lifters know that it is essential to get your body some fuel within 30 minutes of working out. Most people cannot make a good meal that quickly, so the protein shake is the preferred method. The acai berry has a great profile of essential amino acids, which are very important for muscle gains. This smoothie is great for anyone looking to power up after pumping some iron in the gym.

1-2oz Amazon Thunder Acai Pulp Puree
1-2 scoops Amazon Thunder Acai Powder
1 scoop of your favorite chocolate flavored protein powder
1tb. natural peanut butter
1/2c. oatmeal
1c. milk
5-6 Ice cubes

Place all the ingredients into the blender and mix until it is smooth. This is a no-nonsense shake that is easy to make, tastes great, and should really help you build muscles from your workouts.

Here are additional Acai Recipe Articles:

Acai Smoothie

Delicious Acai Smoothie Recipes

How To Make A Shake With Acai

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