Why Acai Berry Works

The acai berry, native to Central and South America, is considered a super food. The berry originates from the acai palm tree in the Amazon rain forest. It is an inch long, reddish purple fruit that is related to the cranberry, blueberry, strawberry and other dark fruits. Within the Central and South American culture, the […]

Acai Berry Information

There is a lot of acai berry information under a lot of discussion as it is one of the best natural ways to keep you healthy. It is a small, round berry with a large black seed in the bottom. It is black in color with a diameter of 1 inch. The fruit also shows […]

Perfect Acai Review

Perfect Acai refers more to the preparation of the acai berry which brings you the wholesome goodness found in the acai berry without contaminants. The acai berry which grows in the Amazon rain forest is a fruit of the acai palm tree. The fruit is dark purple in color and is 90% seed. The 10% […]

What Is Acai Pulp?

A small purple berry that grows on the Acai Palm Tree in the rainforests of Central and South America has taken the nutritional world by storm within the past few years. But exactly what is the acai berry (pronounced ah-sigh-EE) and what is acai pulp? The acai berry is related to other fruits well known […]

Origin of the Acai Name

Today, when referring to the Acai, we immediately think of the Acai palm tree; a tall fruiting palm tree found mainly in Brazil. It was named by the natives who lived on the land known as the ‘ica-ica’, which means ‘the fruit that cries’. This is a very unusual name but it has a story […]

Acai Berry Plants

Research has verified that acai berry is full of free radical-fighting antioxidants that help encourage new cell growth for a better complexion. Some of its other benefits include improvement of the digestion, reduction in cholesterol, increased energy, better heart health, and weight loss. This has people wondering where this little miracle berry comes from and […]

Acai Palm

The Acai palm tree consists of seven species of palm that make their home in Central and South America. The plant is fast growing. Under the right conditions a seed only takes a few months to grow into a seedling. It is also an abundantly producing tree, producing two crops of around 900 berries per […]