Does The Acai Fruit Really Cause You To Lose Weight?

If you have been searching the web for information on the Acai fruit then you probably run into ads for some Acai pills making huge claims.

Here is a short excerpt from one of the sites selling these pills:

Flush Pound after Pound!

Acai Gently Burns and Flushes Pounds of Fat

I’ve been drinking Acai juice for a while now, and thought it was odd that these companies where selling Acai pills as a dietary supplement. Acai is an amazing health food, but I have never thought about it as something that would directly cause me to lose weight. These products look very fishy so I decided to do some research to find out if Acai really has any innate weight loss properties.

The first place I looked was on the Acai pill’s product pages. It would make sense that they would back up their weight loss claims with some actual proof. The products cost up to $88 each month, so it would only make sense that they provide plenty of details on how their products work.

However, none of these products ever explain exactly how the Acai diet works. The only details they provide are statements such as this:

[Product Name] will help you to rid your body of unwanted waste and prevent future build up from occurring. Along with its amazing cleansing properties coming the amazing anti-oxidant properties of the Acai berry.

Antioxidants do many good things, but I have never heard of them cleansing your body of intestinal waste build up. I did not need to read past that to come to the conclusion that the claim of their Acai pills washing away 30-50 pounds of fat was just a ploy to get people to buy to their scam products.

Are You Saying Acai Will Not Help Me Lose Weight?

Even though we have uncovered these Acai berry scams does not mean Acai will not help you lose some weight. Drinking Acai juice is a big part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and this alone will cause you to lose weight. Truly healthy people are not over weight, so doing anything that promotes a health life style will help you to lose weight.

The Acai fruit also contains some properties that directly promote weight loss. Acai can stabilize blood sugar levels with promotes a more health appetite. It also contains Cyanidin which is thought to assist in reducing the absorption of fat.

So, Does Acai Really Help Me Lose Weight?

Well, the answer is yes but you need to take that with a grain of salt. If you see a product claiming that Acai will flush away 10, 20, 30 or even 40 pounds of fat fast then you can be sure it’s a fraudulent claim.

However, when you make Acai a part of a health diet and add in a solid exercise routine you should be able to see some great results.

If you would like to read about my #1 recommended source for your daily Acai intake please read my Amazon Thunder Acai Review.

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