A Simple Way To Help With Diabetes

Diabetes is increasingly becoming a problem in many affluent societies; approximately 18% (8.6 million) of Americans age 60 and older have diabetes. High levels of obesity combined with poor diet and a distinct lack of exercise mean that more and more people are suffering from this long-term (and largely incurable) disease. And it is not just Western societies that are falling under the sway of diabetes: as a middle class emerges in many large developing nations, so it brings with it changes in lifestyle and — particularly — diet. These changes introduce health problems of their own.

Diabetes is thankfully controllable, but it still represents a lot more than a mere inconvenience to those who have been diagnosed.

Preventing diabetes is still something we can all aspire to; we can all make a few minor changes to our lifestyles in order to improve our chances of evading its clutches. A good diet and proper exercise can significantly decrease the chance that a person will contract diabetes. Some dieting aids can help even further, and this is where the acai berry comes into its own.

There are a number of direct and indirect ways in which acai berry and acai berry products can help prevent the onset and effects of diabetes. Read on.

Appetite and diet
Acai berry contains a high concentration of fiber and omega fatty acids and a good dose of amino acids, carbohydrates and vitamins. In combination and alone, these nutrients have been shown to suppress the appetite and actively fight the fat that builds up around your body. Being able more accurately to control your appetite and your diet mean you are less vulnerable to overeating and bringing the problems associated diabetes.

Very low glycemic index
A food’s glycemic index (GI) is a way to describe the difference in the carbohydrates contained in that food by ranking them according to their effect on our blood glucose levels. Low GI foods produce only small fluctuations in our blood glucose and insulin levels, and this, according to reports, is the key to long lasting health. Naturally smaller fluctuations in glucose and insulin levels are good for our bodies, and essential for diabetes sufferers.

Anti-oxidants and nutrients
Anti-oxidants are the key to a long life. This point might not be directly aimed at diabetes sufferers — or those particularly susceptible to contracting the disease — but it’s an important factor in all our lives.

Increase in energy levels
The increases in energy levels that the acai berry promotes lead indirectly to a fitter, healthier lifestyle. If you’re fitter and healthier then the risk of diabetes is reduced; if you’ve already got diabetes then the effect of its symptoms are reduced. All around a good deal.

It is important that acai berry is not the silver bullet for diabetes: what it can do is significantly improve your chances of living a life without fear of diabetes. With the disease reaching so many people, it is sensible to make full use of all the help you can find.

2 Responses to “A Simple Way To Help With Diabetes”
  1. Monica MacLellan says:

    If someone has Type 2 Diabetes, and is obese, is it safe to go on the Super Diet Plus and Colon Super Diet ? It would be nice if this were the case. This person also suffers from an old knee injury and is awaiting complete knee replacement surgery. He also tires very easily. Moderate exercise to say the least is the best that can be done just now. Any honest input here would be greatly appreciated.

    Acai in conjunction with a well balanced diet should help this person lose weight.. am I correct?

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  1. […] A Simple Way To All around a good deal. It is important that acai berry is not the silver bullet for diabetes: what it can do is significantly improve your chances of living a life without fear of … […]

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